Seek and find inspiration. Explore the traditional and the innovative. Fulfil dreams and create new ones. Look at and try out. All this makes a visit to INTERMODELLBAU worthwhile. From 10 to 13 April 2025, it's that time again: international exhibitors from all areas of model making and model sports will be presenting themselves in six halls. Many renowned companies have already confirmed their participation. However, the appeal of the trade fair lies not only in the wide range of exhibitors, but in so much more. Exciting offers to marvel at and take part in await you in all halls. For all those who want to plan their visit to the fair in advance, here is an initial overview.
Dortmund, 11.03.2025 – Young and old model builders, old hands and newcomers - there is plenty for everyone to discover at INTERMODELLBAU. Impressive shows and demonstrations, for example. Like those in the large indoor flying area in Hall 3, the home of the German Model Aircraft Association (Deutscher Modellflieger Verband e.V., DMFV). Hourly, visitors can look forward to various flying shows – including those by the young model flying talents of their youth organisation JUMP!. Hall 3 will also once again be home to the more than 500 square metre water basin. Not only professionals will be able to have a go with their detailed replicas here, but children will also be able to steer the remote-controlled model ships through the large pool themselves. A captain's licence awaits... In Hall 5, the racing drivers of the German Minicar Club (Deutscher Minicar Club e.V.) present the entire range of their vehicles and skills. The exciting show battles between the self-built robots of the German Roboteers Association e.V. in the arena in Hall 8 are also not quite commonplace. The drone racing is just as futuristic. The ‘air crashers’ will be competing in spectacular races with manoeuvrable drones they have built themselves - almost like Formula 1 in the air.
Of course, anyone is free to test their own skills at INTERMODELLBAU. Whether it's at the DMFV's glider-making workshop, while making (and of course testing!) your own little mini boat or in the popular Viessmann Modelltechnik GmbH craft garden. Young visitors can have fun, for example, at the model railway play station of Gebr. Märklin & Cie GmbH & Co. KG in Hall 4, take part in spectacular races on a small track at the Race of Champions in Hall 5 or take part in the Junior College Europe organised by the Federal Association of German Railway Friends (Bundesverband Deutscher Eisenbahn-Freunde, BDEF) together with Gleis 5 (Hall 7). Here they will find instructions from young people for young people and participants will create their own small model railway diorama. There is something to try out in almost every hall - whether in the DMFV flight simulator in Hall 3, on the Carrera track at the Carrera REVELL Europe GmbH stand (Hall 5), while driving remote-controlled trucks on the mini-Truck-Club Recklinghausen e.V. course (Hall 6), at the SHERPA Trophy with pure off-road action (Hall 5) or on the R.C. Truck-Car-Club Dortmund e.V. construction site course, where for example fire engines are tested (Hall 6).
Dedicated clubs and associations present railway layouts
When it comes to visitor highlights, the popular model railway layouts are of course also a must. From Z to IIm gauge, from large to small, from traditional to modern: The world of model railways will be on show at INTERMODELLBAU in all its diversity. The organisers of the trade fair will receive support from various clubs and associations, among others, who will be presenting their layouts in Dortmund. The N-Club International e.V. (NCI), for example, will be there. It has taken up the cause of pushing gauge N and demonstrating the possibilities of the ‘smaller scale’. The club regularly presents its module arrangements in various shapes and sizes in Germany and abroad.
For this year's INTERMODELLBAU, the association and the ‘Christian Model Railway Team’
(Christliches Modellbahn-Team, cmt) have put together a 4.7 x 14.5 m layout with the title ‘Southern Germany’. The highlights of this layout include a concealed railway station, the replica of the Rastatt tunnel disaster (2017), an impressive replica of the Blaubeuren monastery with the famous Blautopf, the ‘Stefanstor’ railway station and Stuttgart's landmark, the television tower.
The plans may be far from finalised, but Messe Dortmund has already received numerous confirmations for model railway layouts from Germany and abroad - including very special shapes, sizes and themes as well as German premieres. Visitors can be excited. Top manufacturers such as Märklin and Faller have also confirmed their participation with various layouts and dioramas, as has the Federal Association of German Railway Enthusiasts (BDEF). Numerous other committed clubs, associations and model railway enthusiasts have also already registered with their extraordinary layouts and want to present themselves to a broad and interested public at the trade fair.
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