
INTERMODELLBAU 2024: international model making show gets underway

INTERMODELLBAU • 19. April 2024

Latest models, trends, shows and tips from experts in all aspects of model making

INTERMODELLBAU attracts model making enthusiasts from across the world and is a meeting place for manufacturers, modellers and interested parties to exchange information on the latest trends in model making.


Dortmund, 17 April 2024 – This year again, the world's largest model making and model sports show will be focusing on models to marvel at and models to see, feel and touch, encouraging everyone to get involved in the intriguing world of model makers. From 'classic' model railway layouts to impressive model ships and thrilling races on four wheels to high-action drone racing and breathtaking air displays – there's something for everyone. Visitors can admire realistic miniature models of aeroplanes, helicopters, drones, racing cars, ships and other models with intricate details and technical finesse in a total of five different halls. People will also have the opportunity to take their first steps into the world of model making.


Air displays – flying high in Hall 3:

Droneball and drone racing are among the latest trending sports that will be presented at the show. Visitors can gain initial experience, control drones themselves and take part in races. Hall 3 will be the venue for spectacular air displays with aeromodellers demonstrating their skills. A computerised flight simulator will allow children and young people to experience up-close the sheer fascination of flying. The Model Aviation Association of Germany will also be offering workshops to promote skills in STEM disciplines. Model aeroplane enthusiasts will also be showing off a variety of aircraft models in different scales – covering pretty much everything from Boeings and Airbuses to fantasy models such as airborne locomotives. Newcomers will be given information on the multi-faceted hobby of model flying.


Model ships and 3D printing equipment in Halls 3 and 4:

These are the halls in which clubs and manufacturers from all over the world of model making will be presenting their creations. Many of the water-borne vessels will be sporting technical refinements and a number of surprise features they will be demonstrating in action. The sailboats will also really be picking up speed during a regatta – all thanks to a dedicated fan. Information and exciting stories about the models and the originals are set to make Showtime on the 23 x 23 metre water basin a real crowd-puller.


Models straight from the 3D printer

State-of-the-art technology is also finding its way into model making. With 3D printing, the saw is being replaced by a keyboard. Hungarian engineer Peter Kovacz has computer-designed his models with utmost precision down to the last detail and printed them out on a 3D printer. Dieter Matysik promises: “The precision of the models from the 3D printer with its unimagined possibilities is simply going to amaze lookers-on at INTERMODELLBAU.”


Innovations, classics and skilfulness

Viessmann to present new smart charging coil

The new CarMotion system from Viessmann announced last year is eagerly awaited: in addition to many new self-driving vehicles, Viessmann will be presenting new charging technology for car batteries via an intelligent inductive coil in the roadway – in a parking bay or in front of a traffic light – at INTERMODELLBAU in Hall 4.


Miniature steam train has been transporting visitors for 43 years

For 43 years, a real miniature steam train has been taking children and adults through the exhibition using many impressive steam locomotives – up to three metres long and weighing 400 kg. “They were all welded, turned and built from iron, steel and brass in the basement over a period of 5 to 15 years,” emphasised Wolfgang Bress from the steam modelling enthusiasts' society Dampfmodellbau Freunde.


Skill competition using off-road vehicles

Pure action is the order of the day at SHERPA Trophy in Hall 5 as realistic-looking, moving remote-controlled off-road vehicles master tricky routes with different backdrops on uneven soil terrain including Scottish ruins, Chinese buildings, a South American snack bar, a skating park, sand dunes, seesaws, ravines, a drive-in cinema and more besides. As every year, visitors - newcomers, professionals and the 'just curious' – can also try out test and professional vehicles, scalers and scale crawlers, and take part in small trial skill competitions. The popular PistenBully and other snow crawlers from Pistenking Funktionsmodellbau (Hall 6) are bringing the winter back to Dortmund.


In Hall 7, visitors can also look forward to a sneak preview of the cross-topic LEGO© Space theme which is set to captivate hearts and minds in all age groups. Borussia Dortmund mascot EMMA will also be mingling with visitors on Saturday 20 April and will be available for photos, autographs and visitor interaction between 10:00 and 11:00 hrs.

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