
Battles of the giants

INTERMODELLBAU • 17. April 2024

Exciting shows every day in the air and on the ground in Halls 3, 5 and 6

The hobby of model making is hard to beat when it comes to creativity and technical finesse. Model making enthusiasts from Germany and Europe will be able to see this for themselves at the 44th INTERMODELLBAU show at Messe Dortmund between 18 and 21 April 2024.

Dortmund, 16 April 2024 – Whether it's in the air or on the ground – clubs and manufacturers are always coming up with something new and surprising. There's hardly any trend that wasn't seen first at Europe's largest model-making show. And when the remote control professionals take to the starting line, there's real action in store on every single day of the show in Halls 3, 5 and 6. Opportunities will also await younger model enthusiasts as well!

Fascination in the air: a passion for flying!
Those magnificent men in their flying machines! Model aircraft builders and model pilots will be presenting their aero-models with a passion at INTERMODELLBAU in Hall 3 where aircraft, helicopters, electric gliders and drones will be whizzing through the air every hour of every day of the show, performing high-speed manoeuvres and taking part in exciting competitions under the watchful eye of professional adjudicators.

Computerised flight simulator
“This is always a fascinating experience for the spectators,” said Marcel Möcking from the German Model Aviation Association (DMFV) which represents 1,300 clubs with a total of 80,000 members. The DMFV youth organisation 'JUMP' will be there on Saturday and Sunday with a computerised flight simulator where young people can experience the fascination of flying on-screen. Fifteen children and young people from the club will be demonstrating their skills and dexterity in demonstrations on both days, also bursting helium balloons with their decorated aero-models. 

Relaxation or adrenaline rush – you choose
At INTERMODELLBAU, aircraft fans will find almost everything that flies – replicas in various scales, and with wingspans of up to two metres. These will include models from Boeing, Airbus as well as fantasy models such as a flying locomotive. The Model Aviation Association of Germany (MFVD) will be exhibiting 60 models from a wide range of disciplines at its stand. As with the DMFV, newcomers will find all the information they need concerning the 'most multi-faceted hobby in the world', according to Manfred Möcking from the MFVD: “Flying models can be pure relaxation or a real adrenaline rush – you choose.” 

Handicraft programme for the young ones
In order to inspire the younger generation, both organisations will once again be offering craft activities: throw-gliders made from wood and polystyrene. A big hit: 1,000 of them were made, painted and flown at last year's event. People whose appetites have been whetted – and old hands too – will find a large selection of construction kits and accessories in the immediate vicinity from exhibitors such as Muldental Elektronik, DAKORD-Adams, Lerrox and others.

'Summer Owl' workshops
As a partner to Germany's state education ministries, the Model Aviation Association of Germany (MFVD) invites teachers and interested people (no registration required) to the regular workshops at its stand where it will show how its 'Sommereule' (summer owl) project in the STEM subjects can teach pupils a wide range of skills in the fields of technology, crafts, IT, nature and society.

Dronesoccer – the trending sport like something from Harry Potter
The competitive sport of droneball is becoming increasingly popular among young people. Manfred Möcking: “Droneball is a team sport and is incredible fun.” Played as dronesoccer, this is a kind of airborne football game reminiscent of quidditch in the Harry Potter films, and is fascinating for young tech fans. Droneball enthusiasts will demonstrate the latest aerial sports craze inside a specially developed inflatable cage. Droneball is now international. Spectators will be able to grab a remote control and steer a droneball – in complete safety, of course, and under the eye of an instructor.

Drone racing – airborne Formula 1 racing using VR goggles
Drone racing is the sport of the 'Aircrashers'. At INTERMODELLBAU, pilots will be using manoeuvrable drones they have built themselves to compete in an indoor race which is part of the DCS Messe Cup. Six drones will be racing from 0 to 100 km/h in two seconds. “This is Formula 1 in the air,” says Michael Marggraf from the club. Reaching speeds of up to 140 km/h, the spectacle cannot be followed with the naked eye: “Pilots and spectators need to use VR goggles.” The drones are equipped with small cameras sending images straight to the pilot's video goggles, and during the race the pilots navigate through the course from the perspective of their drones. “The faster, the better.”

Racing cars jumping over obstacles
The same motto also applies on the ground for the German Minicar Club's racing car competitions. Depending on the size and model, the club's 5,000 members can get their vehicles to reach up to 130 km/h in two seconds on tarmac, off-road or artificial grass – speeds which are simply not possible indoors. That said, the drivers in Hall 5 will be showing the full capabilities of their vehicles in scales from 1:24 to 1:5 and impressing visitors with their dexterity at the console, with the cars making their way through winding courses or jumping over obstacles at high speed.

Schoolchildren's 'Race of Champions'
Children up to the age of 17 can also experience real driving fun with 15-centimetre-long racing cars on a Mini-z table-top track from Kiosho. For school classes, the German Minicar Club will be organising the popular 'Race of Champions' in which two pupils race head-to-head. “Promoting young talent is very important to us,” said club Vice President Fredy Dietrich – which is why there will be plenty of action to take part in or watch from 9:00 hrs until close-of-play on each day of the show – “with exciting commentary and moderation”.

Professional race for the 'Messe Cup'
For many years, MC Dortmund e.V. has been one of the clubs presenting motor sport at close quarters on all four days of the show. It organises big-name races at INTERMODELLBAU involving drivers from Germany and abroad. A variety of small series models will be competing on a 541 square metre race track for the Porsche Cup on Thursday 18 April. Friday 19 April will then see touring cars compete in the Messe Cup (trade show cup). On Saturday and Sunday (20 and 21 April), all eyes will be on the NRW Offroad Cup tournament. “Four days of indoor Formula 1” promises Monika Geistmann. That exciting prospect speaks for itself: “We've got loads of newcomers in all age groups, both men and women,” said the delighted Senior Chair of MC Dortmund.

Monster trucks up to 1.80 metres long
The 250 sqm monster truck stand in Hall 6 will be somewhat more tranquil. R.C. Truck‑Car‑Club Dortmund has been coming to INTERMODELLBAU for 30 years now, bringing along vehicles of up to 1.80 metres in length. “We'll be showing up to 28 fire engines, agricultural machinery, a lorry with a miniature railway on the trailer – all of which we've built ourselves or using a kit as a basic framework,” said Robert Haumann, Senior Chairman. “We drive a wide variety of models on our course to advertise for the manufacturers.” He greatly appreciates the dialogue with suppliers, saying: “You get what you need here.” Neighbouring club R.C. Truck-Car from Recklinghausen will also be there once more with a stand and driving track. Among many other exhibitors, ScaleART OHG Modellbaumanufaktur and Berlinski Modellbau from Dortmund will be at the show again.

Touch competitions between the armoured show robots
Once again this year, the German Roboteers Association e.V. will be organising competitions of a very special kind in Hall 3, with 80 self-built robots piloted by 22 teams from 7 countries competing against each other in different weight classes from 150 grams to 13.6 kilograms in a variety of staged fights on Saturday and Sunday. There'll be no holds barred: the player who incapacitates their opponent or sends them flying into the arena pit wins. “It's anything but easy – the machines are equipped with sophisticated mechanisms and are heavily armoured,” said Daniel Koch from the German Roboteers Association. Anyone who wants to can take control of a robot themselves on Thursday and Friday and compete against friends or other visitors

Regular updates on the exhibitors, the programme line-up and the highlights at INTERMODELLBAU can be found on the show's social media channels Instagram and Facebook, on the show's website and via newsletter.


DMFV flight demonstrations caption
There will be regular flight demonstrations from morning to evening on all days of the show. Photo: Messe Dortmund (IMB 2023)

Aircrasher pilot caption
Aircrasher pilots control their racing drone using VR goggles. Photo: Messe Dortmund (IMB 2023)

Truck modelling caption
Trucks of all sizes can be admired in Hall 6. Photo: R.C.Truck-Car-Club Dortmund.

Demonstration fight of the giant robots caption
Showdown of the giant robots. Photo: German Roboteers Association

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